Jacksonville UniversitySailing Team

JU Sailing Team aboard a sailing boat holding a flag of their logo

About the TeamWe make waves!

In the history of college sailing, there has never been a team like Jacksonville University.

JAX Sailing had a quiet start in 2013 when they ranked 250th in the country, but by 2014 JU burst into the top 35 -- becoming the first team in history to start an all-freshman team at the National Championships. By 2016, JU was a regular top 20 team.

In 2021 JU finished 3rd at the Coed Fleet Race National Championships with Alfonso Garcia Bringas and Logan Brickhouse winning A Division. Both went on to be All-Americans.

 Charlotte Rose won two Singlehanded National Championships, in ‘21 and ’22, with podium finishes in ’19 and ’20.

Other National Championship podium finishes include:

  • 3rd at the 2021 Match Race National Championships: Alfonso Garcia Bringas, Andre Guaragna, Telmo Bastera and Grace Benzal  
  • 3rd at the 2023 Singlehanded National Championships: Agija Elerte

More highlights include: 

  • 3rd Overall at Fleet Race National Championships, 2021
  • 1st in the A-Division at Fleet Race National Championships, 2021
  • 2 Singlehanded National Championships
  • 7 Top 10 Finishes at the National Championships 
  • 6 Conference Championships
  • 4 All American Honors

For the latest information about our nationally-ranked team, follow us on Facebook and Instagram.

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regatta schedule


March 1st-2nd

The Mendelblatt Team Race @Eckerd  

March 1st

Phebe Corckran King Women's Team Race @CofC
Halifax River Invitational @Embry-Riddle 

March 8th-9th 

The Bob Bavier Team Race @CofC 
The Turner Team Race @Citadel 
UNCW @Wrightsville 

March 8th

Old Florida @UF

March 15th-16th 

St. Mary's Womens Fleet Race @St.Mary's 

March 15th

Bud Morrow @Rollins 

March 22nd-23rd

KP Open Team Race @Kings Point
Florida Trophy @USF 
SAISA Spring Women's Top 6-18 Invite @USF

March 29th-30th

SailPack Oriental @Oriental, NC 
Jax Team Race Invite @JU

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Past Achievements & Awards

Since its founding in 2013, the JU Sailing team has: 

  • Won consistently, rising in the national rankings from 250th to the top 20 
  • Grown from 5 people who learned to sail on campus to 35 world-class athletes from around the United States and beyond, including from Spain, Mexico, Puerto Rico, Greece, St. Thomas and Lativa, as well as 15 U.S. states 
  • Earned one of the highest team GPAs at Jacksonville University 
  • 4 All American Team Honors  

On the water, the JU Sailing team: 

  • Won the 2019-, 2021 and 2022-Women’s Fleet Race Conference Championships 
  • Finished 2nd at the 2019- and 2024- Co-ed Fleet and Team Racing Conference Championships 
  • Competed in Co-ed National Semi-Finals and finished 3rd in the country in the National Championship (2021) 
  • Made appearances at the Women’s National Semi-Finals 
  • Finished 1st (2020/2021), 2nd (2018) and 3rd (2023) at the Women’s Singlehanded National Championships 
  • Finished 4th (2017) and 12th (2018) at the Men’s Singlehanded National Championships 
  • Finished 13th at the 2019 Team Race National Championships, only the second season that JU competed in Team Racing Nationals  
  • Finished 6th (2018), 3rd (2019) and 7th (2023) at Match Race National Championships 

Off the water, the JU Sailing team advances sustainability education and care for the water through service projects and community engagement throughout the city of Jacksonville.  

Come win with us and help build the future of college sailing! 

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A sailing woman celebrating a win inside a sailing boat

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a young person steering a sailing boat

Contact Information JU Sailing Team

Negaard Rowing Center
Jacksonville University
2800 University Blvd N
Jacksonville, FL 32211

Email: jfaudre@swissabc.net

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